Clothing Essentials for Beginner Hunters


Whether your hunting trip lasts an afternoon or an entire week, it still means hours at a time spent in the woods, exposed to the elements. If you want your trip to be full of smiles instead of suffering, there are some things you should always have in your pack.


By wearing an orange vest you are protecting yourself from inattentive hunters who may unthinkingly take a shot at any sign of movement. There are thin vests that can be worn over coats to flag your presence, others that double as an extra layer of insulation and some that are tactical and can be used to hold equipment and supplies.

Inner Layer

For your bottom layers, such as socks, underpants and shirts, be sure to find wicking material that will absorb sweat and environmental dampness, keeping your skin dry. This will minimize fungal infections and keep you feeling fresh as a daisy during your hunting trip. If you’re hunting during winter seasons, a thermal bottom layer will keep you well insulated against freezing temperatures.

Outer Layer

Quality hunting clothes Canada should be puncture-resistant, as you’re going to come up against briars, branches and other natural hazards. However, don’t sacrifice range of motion or comfort, especially when it comes to pants and boots. Sometimes hunting trips can take you miles into untamed wilderness, which can translate to a lot of walking. You want gear that won’t chafe or give you blisters when you move around in them.

Rain Gear

While some hunting clothes are water-resistant, you’re going to want to bring something heavy-duty just in case you come up against severe rainfall, deep mud or standing water blocking your path. Be sure to keep a pair of gaiters, galoshes or waders packed, as well as a poncho or raincoat.


You should pack two kinds of these. One is a winter variety that can keep you warm if the temperature drops. Your second hat should be something that can keep the sun out of your eyes as you sit in wait during your hunt. You may want to make both orange so that you’re easily spotted by other hunters.


As with hats, there are two considerations: temperature and protection. Keep a pair of winter gloves for warmth and a thick pair of work gloves that can protect your hands if you encounter brush or other unsavory obstacles.

A cheap pair of boots may seem worth it in the checkout line, but it will be another story when you’re on mile two of a five-mile hike. Make sure you prioritize comfort and quality over saving a buck.

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