Right Nanny for Your Home


Nowadays, childcare is one of the hardest things to get hold of. We lead such busy lives that often it can be hard to feel like we can successfully juggle all aspects of our lives- from our career to a social life and our family. When it comes to childcare, for many parents there are very few options for them to utilise, and the notion of putting your child in daycare can sometimes seem harder than getting an acceptance letter into a Russel group university- and the costs are continuing to skyrocket. If you don’t have the luxury of grandparents of help within the family, finding the right childcare can sometimes feel like a lost cause. For most people, having a live-in Nanny is the perfect option. Live in nannies provide a sense of security and allow your nanny to stay at home while in the familiar setting of your property. Nannies are also great as they give you the option to get close to the parents in the house, therefore giving a sense of comfort. Here at We Buy Any House, we have compiled our top tips on how to choose the right Nanny for your house and family.

Know Your Needs:

Before you start your active search for your nanny, you will need to establish what your needs are. By doing this, you can go into your nanny search prepared and understanding what it is that you actually need. Think about things such as what days you will work, and then from there try and see what it is exactly you will be needing from them. .

Work Out a Budget:

Unfortunately, the luxury of having a nanny in your home will come at a price. Therefore, it’s vital that you determine a budget before you go looking. Start by looking at the current salary for nannies, and it’s important to understand that nannies must also be paid for their overtime and all hours worked. It’s important to work out how long you wish to have your nanny for, and how much you can realistically afford to spend.

Think About Experience:

Just like any field, there will be varying levels of experience. It’s important that you think about things such as how much experience you will want your nanny to have, and also whether their experience fits with the responsibilities you are asking of them.  In terms of the employment conditions, it’sabsolutely vital that you check your nanny has passed all routine checks and has the right certification. This includes qualifications such as:

  • A current and up to date CPR/ First Aid certificate
  • TB test clearance
  • TiDaP and MMR vaccinations
  • Clear criminal record

This article was written by a quick house sale company We Buy Any House. If you’re wondering “how can I sell my house fast, head to the We Buy Any House website for more information relating to all property related enquiries.

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