Pet Food


I have a dog and 2 cats. I’ve always fed them decent food but I never really thought about what goes into it. Mainly because I thought I was feeding them stuff that was better than what I’d get at the regular grocery store.

My pets never had perfect digestion but I never really gave it any thought. Then one day I watched a documentary about pet food and how it’s made and what it’s made out of and I was absolutely horrified. I made the decision then and there to start making their food.

I had no idea what to do, but I knew I had to do something. I did a lot of research on what I could do. Apparently, it wasn’t really hard to make your own pet food. I’d just need to get my food processor out.

I hadn’t used my food processor for quite a while so I wasn’t sure if it was in any condition to be used. It turned out that I was missing several blades, although I have no idea how. I needed to find some replacement parts, and soon. In the meantime, I was literally just feeding them cooked chicken.

I did some research and found that I could order replacement parts on the Kitchen Works USA website, where they sell authentic Cuisinart 14 cup food processor parts. I ordered everything I needed and then some, and got to picking out some recipes.

When my parts arrived, I was ready with the recipes and ingredients to get going. Now all I had to do was make everything, and hope like heck that my pets would actually eat it. The dog wasn’t much of a worry, but those cats are way pickier.

The recipes were pretty similar. They consisted of ground meat or canned fish for the kitties, eggs, veggies and rice. All I did was throw it all into the food processor and grind it up. The consistency was perfect for them. I thought it looked kind of gross, but I wasn’t the one eating it.

They all seemed to really enjoy the food. The cats played with it a little bit before eating it, and they were skeptical at first, but they took to it pretty well. I was so happy that it wasn’t a big ordeal with basically starving them until they ate it.

After a week or so their digestion was clearly more normal, and if I hadn’t switched their food I probably would have never known this. They were visibly more excited to eat everyday too.

On top of all this, I knew exactly what was going into my pets’ bodies. 6 months later and no one has had to visit the vet since we started. Not to mention, it’s saved me so much money since we were no longer ordering expensive food.

I’ve had family members and friends ask me to make homemade pet food for them too, and they’ve offered to pay for it. I figured why not since it would be wonderful for their pets to be in tiptop shape too. It’s been a nice little side gig for extra money.

My pets are in wonderful health, and truly seem happier than ever. I’m so glad they’re getting clean food. I’m so thankful to be able to do this with my Cuisinart food processor.

By admin

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