Thiamine Deficiency


Thiamine Deficiency is known as vitamin B1, which is an essential function throughout the body. It would convert your food into energy, and when the body is unable to produce thiamine, you have to consume it through thiamine-rich foods such as meats, nuts, and grains. Several factors are involved in this deficiency which we are going to discuss here in this blog. Have a look and do share with us if you are feeling the same or not.

Loss Of Appetite

When deficiency occurs, it causes the body to feel satiated or full and lacks appetite. This is one of the common symptoms of thiamine deficiency which causes no hunger and thiamine plays an essential role to satisfy satiety. If you are taking a thiamine deficient diet, then it causes a decrease in food intake, so you have to increase the intake of your diet, including vitamin B nutrients.


People with thiamine deficiency would gradually or suddenly have fatigue issues, which can cause a decrease in energy to extreme exhaustion. It is a vague symptom with so many other causes. Thiamine converts the food into fuel. This symptom shouldn’t be ignored.


Thiamine deficiency is the major symptom, and it occurs within days or weeks. It’s a feeling of frustration and when you are irritable then you get upset quickly. It can be caused by various physical and medical conditions. If you have frequent irritability, then it’s a sign of thiamine deficiency.

Reduced Reflexes

Thiamine deficiency affects the brain’s nerves, and definitely, it directly impacts the nervous system, which is caused by thiamine. Reduced or absent reflexes of the knee and triceps would have a huge deficiency and may affect walking. Usually, thiamine deficiency is diagnosed in children.

Weakness is muscles

People who are feeling weakness in muscles would have a vitamin B1 deficiency. Temporary muscle weakness is caused by everyone, but it can lead to long-standing muscle weakness. Patients with thiamine deficiency would have severe muscle weakness, and you need to pay attention to this with thiamine supplementation. Muscle weakness would be felt in the upper arms and legs.

Blurry Vision

Thiamine deficiency is one of the main reasons for blurry vision, and it can cause swelling of the optic nerve. It would result in blurry and loss of vision. These are the severe deficiency of thiamine that need to be noticed.

Memory Problems

You would have memory-related issues with thiamine deficiency because vitamin B1 is needed for various enzymes for glucose metabolism in the brain. It is needed for neurons and brain cells to function properly and increase the intake of nutrients to get rid of this deficiency.

Alcohol Addiction

High risk of thiamine deficiency is because of poor food intake and heavy consumption of alcohol that directly impacts the metabolism. Alcoholics would have this deficiency because alcohol causes a reduction in thiamine absorption. If any of your loved ones is in alcohol addiction, they should consult rehab centers because they have different treatment plans to treat alcohol abuse. A detailed consultation is required with them for quick recovery. Treatment centers in Mississippi are working hard to bring back all the addicts to sober life.


People with type 1 or type 2 diabetes are more likely to have thiamine deficiency. A severe deficiency would cause diabetes even worse. Make sure you have added those foods in your diet that can meet diabetic patients’ needs, including broccoli, blueberries, steel cut oats, fish, olive oil,  fiber rich foods, and much more.

Foods With Thiamine


Legumes are rich in thiamine and other types of B vitamins. They contain the highest nutrients, including black beans, which have 27% of the daily value of thiamine.

Fortified Breakfast Cereals

We don’t allow you to take processed cereals because processing would remove the thiamine content from grains. Companies manufacture so many products for preserving the vitamin B1 nutrient. Fortified foods provide a maximum of 50% of thiamine.


We all know the liver has the highest amount of thiamine, and people who have included 7% daily value of thiamine in their diet would give you the maximum benefits.


Cooked salmon gives you 18% of the daily value of thiamine. Salmon is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D.


Tuna is another fish that should be added to a diet, including 17% of thiamine, and it’s also a good source of omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin D and selenium.

Blue Mussels

Moist heat blue mussels with 25% vitamin B1. Blue mussels are high in protein, vitamin B12, iron, phosphorus, manganese and selenium. It helps blood vessels to work properly and lower down blood pressure.

Sweet Potato

A good thing about veggies is that it is cholesterol free which is rich in numerous vitamins and minerals. Vegetables are a great source of vitamin B1, and 23% of thiamine is available in sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes are an excellent source of vitamin A and vitamin C.

Sunflower Seeds

These seeds are excellent sources of vitamin B1. Just take one ounce of toasted seeds with 8% of vitamin B1. It has high vitamin E content; copper, manganese, and selenium are some of the main minerals in seeds.


Corns are also rich in minerals and vitamins. Corn has a rich source of vitamin B1 and it’s also a great source of fiber. Corns have vitamins B5, B6 and B9, so if you are looking for a rich source of vitamins, you can have these in your diet.

These are the reasons which cause thiamine deficiency. People who have severe issues of thiamine deficiency should consult with a doctor. They would recommend what else would be suitable for you. People who have any medical history should share this with a doctor to get it treated perfectly.

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